
Friday, June 8, 2012

undercoating custom tutorial

I am in LOVE, I mean in LOVE with French Country Design. . .
especially the layered, weathered & worn painted furniture that's
so commonly seen in the French rural countryside.


A sense of  natural comfort, practicality, and charm is found in every aspect of
 French country living, and has always influenced interiors across Europe and America.


I'm especially drawn to their subdued shades, soft tones, and natural materials. . .


A common trademark of French Country is their unique way of "undercoating". . .
layers of painted finishes, revealing past lives and new beginnings.



Undercoating is a technique that took us a while to get just right,
but is pretty simple when following the right procedure. . .



Now it's YOUR turn!

If you would like to order the instant download
Undercoating Custom Tutorial,
you can do so in my Etsy shop here.

If you want to see more tips, tricks, and ideas, click here to view all our other tutorials. :)

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy seeing your lovely work linked to Time Travel Thursday. You definitely have the painterly touch! ;)

    By the way, there's one more week left to enter my latest "french-inpsired" giveaway.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage
