
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This Little Word of Mine

Over at The Lettered Cottage, Layla has inspired us to come up with a

"Word of the Year" 
to focus on throughout 2012. The word she chose was Up,
and you can read all about it on her amazing website.

As for my word, I have chosen the word Seek.

I continue to be amazed at the abundance of blessings that are
found when one truly seeks. . .

This year, I have decided to focus on:

seeking ways to improve,
seeking ways to increase my knowledge,
seeking answers to dilemma's,
seeking out my ancestors,
seeking ways to reach out to others,
seeking for simplicity,
seeking to serve,
seeking my Savior...

Do you have a word yet? It's very empowering!

Join Layla's linky party and submit your word!

"Ask, and it shall be given you;
seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
                                      -Matthew 7:7


  1. Great word!! I hope you find all that you are seeking for in 2012!

    I've posted about my own word of the year on my blog if you wish to read about it! :)
